Page name: Shout Our Rights [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-28 21:41:11
Last author: Fille d'automne.
Owner: slipknot queen
# of watchers: 7
Fans: 0
D20: 3
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This is [Fille d'automne.], and this is a place to feel safe about what preffered sex you have, you are absolutly welcome here!! Feel the love and comfort! Please only join if you wish to stand up for gay's and bisexual, if not, then at least have the manners not to e-mail me and try to tell me off.


1. Speak your mind, talk about what you wish, have a conversation with a complete stranger.
2. NO CYBERING!! It is wrong, and it only shows people you are desprate.
3. Don't make anyone feel uncomfortable, this is suposed to be a place of peace.
4. Enjoy yourself, talk as long as you wish, don't feel left out, you are always welcome here!!


Shout Our Rights Posts

A place for you all to view some important shit


Shout Our Rights Members

Username (or number or email):


2004-08-04 [slipknot queen]: Let's talk!!

2004-08-04 [Blackshire]: woohoo!!

2004-08-04 [Blackshire]: ohhh yeah this'l be great

2004-08-04 [Sashu]: YAY! first wiki...whys it called a wiki?

2004-08-04 [slipknot queen]: i'm not sure

2004-08-04 [slipknot queen]: I made that pic up there, i feel special now =^_^=

2004-08-04 [Blackshire]: There should be a link through the main street elftown for wiki faqs which tells the history and background/origin of the name and meaning.

2004-08-04 [slipknot queen]: you are a special guy!! *hug* this is like my 1st time with everything here

2004-08-04 [slipknot queen]: o, and are you going to obey the rules? lol

2004-08-04 [Sashu]: who me? *sigh* fine

2004-08-04 [Blackshire]: Special people allows obey rules.

2004-08-04 [slipknot queen]: ok, just making sure you monkeys!!

2004-08-04 [slipknot queen]: so, what shall we start a conversation about gentalmen? lol

2004-08-04 [Sashu]: how do yo make the links to this wiki thingy?

2004-08-04 [Blackshire]: [ (name of wiki) @w i k i] take out spaces.

2004-08-04 [slipknot queen]: oh boy, confusing stuff

2004-08-04 [Sashu]: o... ok, well night people! im of to bed. *hugs the two members at once*

2004-08-04 [Blackshire]: Goodnight. HS.

2004-08-04 [slipknot queen]: nighty night!

2004-08-04 [MangoKisses]: Oooh! Lookie I got my favorite number!

2004-08-04 [livingdeadgurl]: hmm a new wiki kool

2004-08-04 [Sashu]: ^_^ hiya, welcome!!! ...mind if yo can spread the word about this?

2004-08-04 [livingdeadgurl]: shur will do

2004-08-04 [Sashu]: hmmm... think we need more people?

2004-08-05 [slipknot queen]: hello people!!

2004-08-05 [Sashu]: hiya got a member =)

2004-08-05 [slipknot queen]: yup, i saw!! i'm so hapy

2004-08-05 [Blackshire]: woohoo!

2004-08-05 [slipknot queen]: hello seb, thank you for telling me that in that e-mail, you did help me *hug*

2004-08-06 [Blackshire]: Anytime ;x

2004-08-12 [Sashu]: any1 else on here anymore?

2004-08-12 [livingdeadgurl]: hello

2004-08-12 [Sashu]: hiya hows life every1?

2004-08-12 [Sashu]: hiya hows life everyone?

2004-08-12 [livingdeadgurl]: shitty as always how bout u?

2004-08-12 [Sashu]: I reached a new limit of bordom, not to mention being lonly 24 7, so are we gonna get new members soon?

2004-08-12 [livingdeadgurl]: poor lonly person

2004-08-13 [Blackshire]: aww

2004-08-14 [Zauberin]: mememe! im a member now!

2004-08-14 [slipknot queen]: yea!!! mesa so glad!!

2004-08-14 [Sashu]: YAY more people!

2004-08-15 [slipknot queen]: does dance

2004-08-15 [livingdeadgurl]: *watches the person dance and giggles*

2004-08-15 [Blackshire]: I'm gonna add Aden on this just because he's my diva boy ;x

2004-08-15 [Sashu]: Anyone here like tocos? or pizza?

2004-08-15 [livingdeadgurl]: ummm........yes

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